Caramel Ice Cream (Glace Caramel)

Caramel Ice Cream (Glace Caramel)

I am making Ice cream again! This time, a French Caramel Ice Cream. I am a true caramel ice cream fan and I always go for Berthillon's Glace Caramel whenever I am in in Paris.

Caramel Ice Cream (Glace Caramel) Recipe

(Adapted from The Food of France)


  • 70 g sugar
  • 80 ml cream
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 360 ml milk
  • 1 vanilla pod


  1. To make the caramel, put 45 g of the sugar in a heavy-based saucepan and heat until it dissolves and starts to caramelize - tip the saucepan from side to side as the sugar cooks to keep the colouring even. Remove from the heat and carefully add the cream (it will splutter). Stir over low heat until the caramel remelts.
  2. Whisk the egg yolks and remaining sugar until light and fluffy.
  3. Put the milk and vanilla pod in a saucepan and bring just to the boil, then strain over the caramel.
  4. Bring back to the boil and pour over the egg yolk mixture, whisking continuously.
  5. Pour the custard back into the saucepan and cook, stirring, until it is thick enough to coat the back a wooden spoon.
  6. Do not let it boil or the custard will split.
  7. Pass through a sieve into a bowl and leave over ice to cool quickly.
  8. Churn in an ice-cream maker following the manufacturer's instruction.
  9. Alternatively, pour into a plastic freezer box,cover and freeze.
  10. Stir every 30 minutes with a whisk during freezing to break up the ice crystals and give a better texture.
  11. Freeze overnight with a layer of clingfilm over the surface and the lid on the container. Keep in the freezer until ready to serve.

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