Dulce de Leche Caramel Banana Boat

Dulce de Leche Caramel Banana Boat

I discovered an easy way to make Dulce de Leche Caramel from "Made In Italy Food & Story" by Giorgio Locatelli:


Dulce de Leche Caramel - For this kind of caramel, which we use in lots of desserts, we have a trick that is famous in South America and used in things like banoffee pie. All we do is put the can of condensed milk into a pan of boiling water and let it simmer away for 3 - 3 1/2 hours, topping up with more water if necessary. The sugar in the milk caramelises and when you take out the can (carefully) and open it, you will find a thick, dark toffee, known as dulce de leche, which is much more dense than you could easily make with whipping cream and sugar - and much easier. The toffee makes a brilliant 'glue', if for example we want to stick a biscuit or a piece of pineapple to a plate, so that it doesn't slide when the waiter carries it - such considerations are very important in a restaurant!


I have successfully made my first can of dulce de leche caramel yesterday. After 3 hours of waiting, I couldn't wait for another second to tuck into it. It's worth the wait. It's more than just a heavenly taste - it's rich, creamy and it left a sweet long lasting caramel taste in my mouth.

After a big mouthful of the caramel, my mind was like a train, and I was speeding on to the next task: "How can I make a No-Bake Dessert with this heavenly dulce de leche?"

I love banana and combined with dulce de leche it must taste heavenly!

Dulce de Leche Caramel Banana Boat Recipe


  • 1 x banana
  • Dulce de leche caramel
  • Chocolate sauce (optional)


  1. Slit the banana lengthwise.
  2. Zap in as much dulce de leche as you possibly can.
  3. Drizzle with chocolate sauce (optional) and eat it immediately or place it in microwave oven and heat for 5-10 seconds.

Watch this space. I will be back with more yummy recipes using this easy home-made dulce de leche.

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