Chocolate Cheesecake Brownie

Chocolate Cheesecake Brownie

I love this cheesecake brownie recipe because the ratio of the cheesecake and the brownie is almost 1:1. How good is that to have two of the yummiest desserts in one mouthful? Try it!

Chocolate Cheesecake Brownie Recipe (Makes 16 slices)

(Adapted from Donna Hay Chocolate)


  • 185 g (6 1/2 oz) butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup (30 g / 1 oz) cocoa powder, sifted
  • 1 cup (220 g / 7 3/4 oz) caster (superfine) sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup (150 g / 5 1/4 oz) plain (all-purpose) flour, sifted


  • 285 g (10 oz) cream cheese, softened and chopped
  • 4 1/2 tbsp caster (superfine) sugar
  • 2 eggs


  1. Preheat the oven to 160C (320F). Place the butter, cocoa, sugar, eggs and flour in a bowl and mix well until smooth. Spoon into a 20cm (8 in) square slice tin lined with non-stick baking paper.
  2. To make the cheesecake, process the cream cheese, sugar and eggs in a food processor until smooth. Place large spoonfuls of the cheesecake mixture on top of the chocolate mixture and swirl with a butter knife. Bake for 45-50 minutes or until set. Cool in the tin. Cut into 16 slices.

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